The Adolescent Brain presentation by Kim Charteris is taking place next Monday (December 6th).  The presentation has been designed to provide you with knowledge and information that we hope will be helpful in understanding the challenges that your teenagers face as members of today’s society.

Current research tells us that the adolescent brain is still under construction with the higher executive functions, especially related to decision-making, not fully in place until well into our 20’s. We hope this presentation may help eliminate some parental confusion by answering the questions: “What were they thinking?” or “Why did they do that?”

If you are planning to join us but have not RSVP yet, please kindly do so as soon as possible via e-mail to or call us at 416-928-0124 ext 0. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend!

Click Here for more information on the YMCA Academy Speaker Series

Dec. 2nd, 2010 – Adolescent Brain Presentation