On Friday October 11th The YMCA Academy made the first of its two annual outings to Evergreen Downsview. With the weather in favour of our journey, the entire day was destined to be a lovely experience…and it was! With the sun shining bright, our students got straight to work on fulfilling our school’s green initiative. This year JR (our Evergreen Downsview Expert) had us plant various shrubs in the locally grown forest with a new paper mulching technique.

While half of the school prepared the paper mulch for the shrubs, the other half provided a constant supply of mulch. After nice picnic style lunch our students continued the day by planting the shrubs we had prepped the forest floor for. We definitely can’t wait to go back in May!


Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Oct. 16th, 2013 – Evergreen Downsview Park