Governor General visits the Academy

On Friday, The YMCA Academy welcomed a very special guest: Canada’s Governor-General, the Right Honourable David Johnston, visited the school while on a tour of the Toronto Central Grosvenor Street YMCA Centre.

The Governor-General visited a Civics class and chatted with the students about Canada’s government, his memories of school days, and a recent trip to Alert, Nunavut.

Unique experiences like these have a discernible impact on learning; the Civics students are still buzzing about the Governor-General’s visit, and Monday’s class was filled with insightful questions about the structure of Canada’s government.

Grade 9 English – Y News

As part of their culminating assignment, the Academy’s Grade 9 Locally Developed English class created “Y News” — a student-created newscast.

Students used their research, planning, writing, editing, speaking, and collaboration skills to create the finished product. They were rightly proud of what they achieved; presenting a creative challenge is a great way to reach new heights as a learner. “I learned how write a newscast and to speak better,” said one student newscaster. “I learned that not too speak fast. I also learned about ideas that came into my head, and I found that I became more creative for the newscast.”

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Celebrating success at the Talent Show

In what’s become an annual tradition at the Academy, we celebrated the end of the 2015 portion of our academic year with an all-school talent show. Student performers sang, danced, lip-synced, played instruments, screened short films, and even demonstrated their culinary skills.

The Talent Show has become a crucial community-building event for our learning community. Several performers (and one of the three MCs) were new students in September, and the Talent Show was a great opportunity to make new connections. It’s also a great showcase for the school’s expanding arts department —not to mention the perfect way to say goodbye in style to the 2015 portion of the school year.

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

A warm day of skating at Nathan Phillips Square

On Friday, December 11, most of the students of the YMCA Academy went on a skating trip to Nathan Phillips Square. Some people skated but others decided not to skate because the ice was melted and people did not want to get wet.

Some people focused on physical exercise while some people were happy talking and improving their social skills. We all bonded through a shared experience and we took pictures and made memories which we will always remember when we look at the pictures in the yearbook.

By Zachary Da Silva (YMCA Academy student)

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Grade 9 English – Handprint Mural

Jim Adams, recent recipient of the Ontario Arts Council’s Aboriginal Educator in Schools grant, spent a week with our grade 9 English class. He shared amazing stories of creation, his personal experiences and other themes and taught us all how important stories are to our past, present and future.

We created a shared story through images, art and words on a mural, beginning with the most unique part of ourselves: our handprints!! Thanks Jim for an amazing experience and we hope you come back again soon.

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!