Exam Information and Schedules

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

Our 1st semester is coming to a close, and there are several important pieces of information that we want to communicate to you.

Semester 1 Final Examinations:

The last day of regular classes for Semester 1 is Tuesday January 20th, 2015.

The examination schedule is enclosed.  Students will also be provided with a copy of this schedule.

As you will see, there are 3 examination days – Wednesday, January 21st; Thursday, January 22nd; and Friday, January 23rd.  Examinations are held in the morning and in the afternoon.  Not all students have an examination on each day, so please check the schedule carefully to ensure that your son/daughter comes to school on the right day for the right exam.

Absences:  If a student is absent on a final exam day, a phone call from a parent/guardian and a medical note will be required and a make-up examination will have to be written as soon as possible. If no medical documentation is received, a grade of zero will be recorded for the examination.

Study Hall:  We are providing a supervised Study Hall on all examination days on Wednesday January 21st and Thursday January 22nd.  If students are in the school on an exam day, they are expected to be in one of two places:  either writing an examination or in the study hall.  If students are not writing an examination and do not want to attend study hall, they will be asked to leave the school, as we need to ensure an atmosphere of quiet and respect for the other students who are writing their examination.

Personal Items and Electronic Devices:  Students need to be aware that during examinations, they will not be allowed to keep any of their personal items with them.  This includes cell phones, iPods (and similar devices), electronic devices, classroom notes, textbooks, and/or personal calculators (unless allowed specifically by the classroom teacher and designated beforehand).  Students need to come prepared with writing utensils.

Outstanding Materials:  All outstanding library books and materials, as well as Academy-owned textbooks, are to be returned on (or by) the exam day.

If you have any questions about the upcoming examinations, please call the Academy at (416) 928-0124 ext “0”.


White Ribbon Voices Session

The YMCA Academy welcomed Jeff Perera, Community Engagement Manager for the White Ribbon Campaign, for our first VOICES event of the new year.  The White Ribbon Campaign is the world’s largest effort to engage men in ending violence against women, and Jeff had some very interesting food for thought about how men of all ages can help redefine masculinity in a healthier way.  We are very excited at the prospect of continuing our work with Jeff through the “Make the Call” program in connection with the Toronto Argonauts.  Make The Call empowers and inspire students to engage their peers and communities in becoming aware of and ending all forms of violence against women and girls.  Thanks Jeff, and we’ll see you soon!


Upcoming LD & ADHD Workshop

ADHD and LD Naturally


Guest Speaker: Dr. Joseph Steyr

Do you want to know more about natural treatments for ADHD and Learning Disabilities? Dr. Steyr is a Naturopathic Doctor and also has been diagnosed with a Learning Disability since he was a young child. His talk will start with a short introduction to what is Naturopathic Medicine and continue to a discussion of the biology of ADHD/LD. Using that foundation of understanding we will then go over ideas of how nutrition, herbal and homeopathic medicine is used to help support and treat people living with ADHD or LD.

Date: Thursday January 15th, 2015
Time: 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Location: The YMCA Academy
Fee: $5.00

RSVP by phone 416-928-0124 Ext 0 OR email: reception@ymcaacademy.org

Classes resume January 5th!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Students, Parents, Guardians and Friends of The YMCA Academy a wonderful and safe holiday!  And we’d like to thank you for your continued support over the past year.  We value the relationships we have with each of you and look forward to working with you all in 2015!

Please note: The school will be closed for the Holiday Break from December 20th, 2014 to January 5th, 2015.

Wishing you a joyous and peaceful holiday season!

Best Wishes,
The YMCA Academy Staff

YMCA Academy Talent Show 2014

There’s no way to celebrate the holidays than a good old fashion talent show!  YMCA Academy students performed some incredible acts this afternoon on our fourth floor stage including singing, magic tricks, instrumental music, drama skits and films for our 6th annual Holiday Talent Show and Celebration.  Special thanks goes out to our techie superstar Riio, our consummate emcees Tristan A. and Mahadir, Zee’s Health Care class for making special goodies for the pot-luck, Greg at Central Y for supplying an awesome sound system and all our families who contributed generous snacks for the party.  We wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a happy and healthy 2015!  See you in the New Year!!

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!