Apr 30th, 2014 – Lunch and Learn (Can YA Love)

The Global Awareness Team and the Geography class hosted a Lunch and Learn on Wednesday April 30th. Randy from Can YA Love shared information with students and staff about the organization he co-founded. His organization is dedicated to creating a global community that believes in helping people sustain the basic necessities of life. To achieve this goal, Can Ya Love builds and develops gardening systems that can thrive in some of the harshest and most densely populated environments on Earth. Topics at the Lunch and Learn included; arable land loss, modern agriculture, desertification, urban development and slum living, global population/demographics, and how we can actually turn this situation around.

Randy also discussed his current research where he will be growing swiss chard. Knowing this the Global Awareness Team decided to cook a special creation – cheese quesadillas with the a swiss chard topping! While Randy spoke, we dined on delicious and healthy food made by the students.

Randy is currently part of a research project gathering data on how much food can be grown in a 9 square foot space. But before the research could begin, he needed a place to grow the seedlings. The YMCA Academy students (Geography class and Resource class) spent 3rd period preparing pots and soil in preparation to planting swish chard.

Our worm cast came from our worm bins that the school has been looking after for 3 years. The casts were taken out and new bins were prepared for our wiggly friends. We mixed coir, compost, potting soil and worm casts into a rich blend of soil, which was distributed into many pots donated from several families. (Thank you again for your on-going support!) The seeds that we sowed today will be looked after by our students for 4 weeks and then transplanted into vertical gardens for this research project. In the fall, we will have an opportunity to find out how our plants did and how much was produced in such a small space.

We look forward to watching our seedlings grow and don’t be surprised if in 4 short weeks, a small swish chard makes its way to your home. All students who helped with the plantings will be offered a plant. The Academy was very appreciative that Randy could take the time to come and share his meaningful work with us. It is important to be reminded of the ever-growing global disparities and learn about practical ways we can contribute to creating positive change.

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Book of Core Values Event

The Academy’s own Tristan A. designed and created an extraordinary booklet containing information, games and reflection questions about the YMCA of Greater Toronto’s six core values:  Responsibility, Respect, Caring, Inclusiveness, Health and Honesty.  At lunchtime, we had an author’s signing event in the cafe for “The Lucky Lassy’s Book of Core Values” where students got their booklet’s personalized by Tristan himself.  Students in the grade 10 Literacy class are going to use the booklet for their current unit on literacy skills through script reading and acting.  Congratulations, Tristan!  We can’t wait for your next publication!!

Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Apr 22nd, 2014 – Canadian Geographic Map

In the Grade 9 Geography class at the YMCA Academy for the past few weeks, we have been using a huge 30 foot map of the energy sources in Canada. Our teacher Todd planned out a few lessons for the map and taught us about them. He then made us plan our own lessons that we would have to give the class.

We were made into groups and given a topic on Canada’s energy resources. In my group we had the topic of Alberta oil sand reserves. We came up with a few questions and made people also outline all the Canadian oil sand reserves.

I thought it was pretty nice getting out of the classroom and doing something different. It is a really cool map, mostly because of how big it is.

– Andrew S. (YMCA Academy student)

Apr 17th, 2014 – The Academy takin’ it to City Hall

Civics class celebrated our last day with a trip to City Hall! We took a self-guided tour around this Toronto landmark and got a sense of what happens at the City’s epicenter. We were hospitably welcomed with a surprise meeting with Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly in his office. The Deputy Mayor welcomed informed questions from the group and noted on their “strong handshakes”. He spoke of the diversity of our amazing city and was very candid about the rollercoaster ride he has been on since taking office. He generously gave us City of Toronto pins to take home as a souvenir.

We took in a great view of downtown from the observation deck and remarked how amazing it is that we can just take a walk down to City Hall in one period of school. Another reminder of one of the many ways in which our school is so unique. To wrap things up on this first fine day of Spring weather we felt a celebratory Popsicle break was in order.


Apr 8th, 2014 – Spring 2014 Open House

Our Spring 2014 Open House, happening on Saturday, April 12 from 11am until 1pm, is the perfect opportunity to discover The YMCA Academy. We invite you to tour our school, meet our teachers and staff, and learn about how we support our students’ academic and personal success through special education integration, health and fitness, technology, experiential learning, and mindfulness practices.

We’re proud of the difference The YMCA Academy makes in the lives of our students. Here’s what the parents of our current students are saying about our program:

“My son was anxiety ridden and terrified about attending high school. I have noticed a huge improvement in his confidence since he started at The YMCA Academy. He enjoys attending school for the first time ever in his school career.”

“[The teachers] really understand children with learning disabilities. Compassionate caring teachers who really go the extra mile for their students. Willing to work with parents to get our children on track so they can succeed both academically and socially. Can’t say enough positive things about the school and its teachers! They really care about the kids. It’s not just a job to them, it’s a passion. Every school should share the same philosophy! It’s about the kids and helping them succeed in life!”

The YMCA Academy is located at 15 Breadalbane Street in downtown Toronto, in the Central YMCA building near Yonge and College streets. Find out more about our Spring 2014 open house here.