Mar 27th, 2014 – Shovel & Spoon Program P1.

As part of The YMCA Academy’s continued commitment to experiential learning, the Grade 12 Communications Technology class (TGJ4O) is participating in the “Shovel & Spoon” program available to us through one of our community partners, The Stop Community Food Centre. The program consists of a series of field trips to the beautiful Whychwood Barn. During the duration of the program at Whychwood Barns the students are fulfilling course curriculum expectations for their classes.

We are very fortunate to be participating in this unique program again. It offers opportunities beyond those that we can offer on our premises and includes valuable lessons about healthy living and healthy choices, which we feel are important for all students to learn.

The “Shovel & Spoon” program includes, but is not limited to, some of the following activities:

  • Cooking in the community kitchen (i.e. canning and preserving, cooking on a budget, knife skills, low-sugar baking, cooking for one, and cooking for various health conditions)
  • Planting in the greenhouse (i.e. food growing, sprouting, plant propagation, container gardening, seed starting)
  • Hands-on learning about nutrition and wellness
  • Shared reflection and journal writing

The Communications Technology class be responsible for creating a ‘mini-documentary’ for each Shovel & Spoon Session, which will eventually be turned into a full DVD video production, assembling all student works, and outlining the entire Shovel & Spoon Program as part of the culminating assignment.

Our first session on March 26th, gave an introduction to the Shovel and Spoon program, a tour of the green house and community kitchen, and an introduction to proper knife skills. To wrap-up the session students got the chance to assemble their own delicious Tostadas as a pre-lunch treat!


Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!

Mar 5th, 2014 – LDAO Breakfast at the Sheraton

5 students from the YMCA Academy had the pleasure to attend LDAO’s 7th Annual learning & Leadership Corroborate Breakfast at the Sheraton Centre Hotel on the morning of March 5th. We were treated to a gourmet breakfast, and Jonathan Mooney’s inspiring story about his experiences navigating school systems throughout his youth. Thank you LDAO once again for the opportunity to participate! We had a blast!

A litte more about the LDAO’s learning & Leadership Corroborate Breakfast:

“This year’s event promises to be at once entertaining and educational. Welcome to a new world, where the good kid doesn’t sit still. A world where some of the smartest kids in the class don’t read well or don’t read at all. A world where the popular kids don’t make eye contact, don’t shake hands, and definitely don’t back slap. Renowned writer, neuro-diversity activist and author Jonathan Mooney vividly, humorously and passionately brings to life this wonderful world of neuro-diversity: the research behind it, the people who live in it, and the lessons it has for all of us who care about the future of education. You will leave this talk fundamentally changed and empowered.”


Mar 4th, 2014 – QSA student interest group

The YMCA Academy proudly presents our school’s first Queer-Straight Alliance student interest group.  This group was inspired after Planned Parenthood’s T.E.A.C.H. program (Teens Educating and Confronting Homophobia) presented a workshop at our school last fall.  The QSA meets every few weeks to discuss issues pertaining to gender and sexual identity and ways to ensure that our school community is a safe, inclusive place for everyone.  This past week, staff and students worked on a mural inspired by artist and social justice activist Keith Haring.  We had pizza, played tunes and enjoyed each other’s company.  Stay tuned for more updates about the cool stuff we do in this club!


Mar 3rd, 2014 – Black History Month Assembly

The YMCA Academy proudly presented a series of assemblies to celebrate Black History Month this February.  Students in drama, history, English and science classes engaged our school community in a variety of presentations about topics ranging from the history of Africville in Nova Scotia to short scripts depicting the life of boxer Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, and information about the achievements of African-American and African-Canadian scientists to readings of poetry from the Harlam Renaissance.


Check out the rest the rest of the pictures on our Facebook page!