Sep. 20th, 2013 – English Adjective Attack!!!

It’s not just a table, it’s a clean, shiny, sturdy table.  It’s not just a printer, it’s a fast, dependable, slick printer.  Students in the Grade 9 English program at The YMCA Academy plastered a variety of nouns around the school with adjectives that made them come alive.  Objects, rooms and even people donned strips of white paper with words describing appearance, functionality, density and emotion.  If you need more colour in your world, try an adjective attack at home or your workplace!!!


Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Sep. 16th, 2013 – Storyteller Jim Adams

The YMCA Academy kicked off another great school year with an incredible guest, storyteller Jim Adams. Jim shared interesting and moving stories from various First Nations, answered questions about political and historical issues and invited participants to choose rocks from a pile as a way to connect with a story. Jim’s warmth, humour and talent was appreciated by all present. Thanks, Jim, and please come back again soon!

Sep. 13th, 2013 – The Academy’s first Spirit Day!

This past Friday, YMCA Academy students transformed into construction workers, outdoor adventurers, cartoon characters, historical warriors, baseball superstars, cool crooners, and animals of every shape and size. Yes, on Friday we wore many hats — literally, I mean, since we were celebrating “Wear Fun(ny) Hats or Headgear Day,” our first Spirit Day of the school year.

The event was a big success: students turned up in all kinds of cranial adornments, and we had a student-run hat-making station in the reception area for anyone in need of some last-minute headgear. Best of all, it was a chance for our new students to engage further in our school community. And there’s more where that came from; the day before Hat Day (Hat Eve, if you will), we brainstormed during TAPS — our monthly small-group sessions that run as part of the Academy’s dedication to Mindfulness practices — and came up with a plethora of fantastic ideas for spirit days to come. Stay tuned!

— Todd Harrison