Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:
Just a reminder that today is the last day of classes for Semester 2 and exams start tomorrow (Thursday June 20th).
There are 3 examination days – Thursday, June 20th; Friday, June 21st; and Monday, June 24th. Examinations are held in the morning and in the afternoon. Not all students have an examination on each day, so please check the schedule carefully to ensure that your son/daughter comes to school on the right day for the right exam.
Final Examination Schedule (June 20th, 21st, and 24th, 2013)

Absences: If a student is absent on a final exam day, a phone call from a parent/guardian and a medical note will be required and a make-up examination will have to be written as soon as possible. If no medical documentation is received, a grade of zero will be recorded for the examination.
Study Hall: We are providing a supervised Study Hall on Thursday June 20th and Friday June 21st. If students are in the school on an exam day, they are expected to be in one of two places: either writing an examination or in the study hall. If students are not writing an examination and do not want to attend study hall, they will be asked to leave the school, as we need to ensure an atmosphere of quiet and respect for the other students who are writing their examination.
Personal Items and Electronic Devices: Students need to be aware that during examinations, they will not be allowed to keep any of their personal items with them. This includes cell phones, iPods (and similar devices), electronic devices, classroom notes, textbooks, and/or personal calculators (unless allowed specifically by the classroom teacher and designated beforehand). Students need to come prepared with writing utensils.
Outstanding Materials: All outstanding library books and materials, as well as Academy-owned textbooks, are to be returned on (or by) the exam day.
If you have any questions about the upcoming examinations, please call The Academy at (416) 928-0124 ext “0”.