May 24th, 2013 – Evergreen Stewardship Spring

On Friday May 17th, 2013 the YMCA Academy made its annual spring trek to Evergreen Downsview as part of our yearly environmental stewardship initiative.  It was a bright and sunny day and our staff and students were eager to get their hands on shovels to start the planting. Upon arrival we set our things aside and awaited our instructions from JR, the project manager of urban ecology at Evergreen Downsview, and our guide.   Little did we know the surprise he had in store for us.

To our surprise and amazement, JR informed us that we would be digging up and replanting trees from the nursery to their final resting places. But these were no ordinary trees. These were the very same trees the Academy had planted 3 years ago, and who were now big enough and strong enough to be transplanted to their final destinations. With shovels in hand the Academy replanted many treest, helping reforest Downsview Park for the third year in a row. We look forward to watching this forest grow, especially since the Academy has planted the vast majority of the trees that will live within it.

Graduation & Year-End


The YMCA Academy Graduation, Year-End Celebration & Dance

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013
Central YMCA Auditorium
20 Grosvenor Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON M4Y 2V5

Save the Date!

Please mark your calendars for this celebration of our Class of 2013 and the end of another successful academic year at The YMCA Academy.

A formal invitation will be emailed at a later date with further details.

We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!

May 23rd, 2013 – Strengthening Families Program


“Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth 12-16 (SFPY) is an evidence-based approach to improving parent-teen relationships, to helping teens build resiliency factors that support good decision-making and mental health”.

Do you want to create stronger family connections? The YMCA of Greater Toronto is hosting a 9 week pilot program in which parents and youth (ages 12-16) improve family relations by:
· Effective communications
· Negotiating family rules
· Working together to solve problems

When: 9 Tuesday evenings (6:00-8:30 pm) starting September 24th – Starts with light dinner served from 6:00-6:30 and then 2 hour program to 8:30.

What: Each session consists of 3 parts: Light supper with all families and facilitators followed by one hour facilitated sessions with youth and parents separated, followed by concluding session with families together. Each evening will present a topic dealing with a different dimension of personal development for youth and effective family functioning.

Where: Vanauley Street YMCA Centre, 7 Vanauley St. Toronto ON M5T 2V9 (just west of Spadina St and just north of Queen St)

Cost: Free! Plus free child-care, TTC tickets, Graduation Certificates, Small gifts for participating

Sponsored by: PAD (Parent Action on Drugs and The YMCA of Greater Toronto)

For more information or to register contact: Mike Dodds, YMCA of Greater Toronto 416-928-3362 ext 22498 or email:

*Note: There are limited spaces and families need to register by September 24th.