Apr. 3rd, 2012 – The pre-schoolers are coming

The Academy’s Living and Working with Children (HPW3C) course will be hosting the FDC’s pre-school group at the Academy every Thursday starting this week. Be ready for the sound of little feet and laughter. Students in the course have been learning about children’s role in society and their growth and development which will serve them well when they are developing activities for our hosting sessions.

Some activities on the horizon:

  • Seed planting for greening of  the play space
  • Animal Bags
  • Smart-board shapes
  • Marching Band
  • Making Silly Putty
  • Dinosaur Stomp

We have also committed to assisting the school-age group on a field trip to see REAL dinosaur bones at the ROM. If you’d like to volunteer – please send an email to our volunteer coordinator Kaili Glennon.

Mar. 6th, 2012 – Ontario Court of Justice Trip

Thanks to the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN) Courtrooms & Classrooms program, the YMCA Academy grade 11 English class had the chance to visit the Ontario Court of Justice at 311 Jarvis Street. On Wednesday, February 29th, the students were given a tour of the facility, observed court in session, and had the opportunity to meet with a Justice of the Peace. The excursion made many of the events of the novel Monster come to life, and served as an excellent introduction to the upcoming debate unit, during which students will explore issues related to youth criminal justice.

Feb. 27th, 2012 – Students create map of Canada

The Geography class used their mapping skills to create their own wall-sized, giant map of Canada. The map has piqued the interest of many staff and students at the school – not just those in the Geography class! Those participating in the Canada Youth Exchange in April have dropped by to find out…just where is Oujé-Bougoumou? The map is now displayed in the Geography classroom and will continue to be used as a primary resource for the rest of the semester.

Feb. 6th, 2012 – Annual Adjective Attack Activity

The three English classes made the world a better place through descriptions today in our annual Adjective Attack activity.  People, places and things were described in vivid technicolour showcasing the students’ creativity and imagination.  Dull walls come alive, spaces you never thought interesting are suddenly awe-inspiring.  Try this at home!

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Jan. 25th, 2012 – Drum Making Workshop Pictures

Students in the Aboriginal Voices class participated in a workshop on making Aboriginal hand drums led by Steve Teekens, traditional drummer, singer, dancer and teacher from the Ojibway First Nation.  The workshop took place at the beautiful Dodem Kanonhsa’ Elder’s Cultural Facility at St. Clair and Yonge, which is supported by the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto (NCCT) and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC).  Students listened to Steve tell an Ojibway story about the drum and used traditional materials and techniques to make their own.  We are grateful to Amy Desjarlais for including us in the workshop and to Steve for sharing his knowledge with us.

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Visit the Dodem Kanonhsa Website