Feb. 17th, 2011 – Academy Adjective Graffiti Day!

In an attempt to make our school environment more descriptive, the grades 9 and 10 English classes brainstormed a plethora of adjectives for a variety of nouns.  People, places and things were transformed to helpful, sleep-deprived people, bustling, peaceful places and warm, fuzzy, multi-coloured things.  Try this at home to make your life more interesting!

Check out the full gallery on our Facebook page!

Jan. 18th, 2011 – Elder visits Native Studies class

The Grade 11 Current Aboriginal Issues in Canada class was fortunate to be able to host elder Jacquie Lavelley from the Native Canadian Centre in Toronto.  Devin Davis, programmer with the Aboriginal Education Outreach Network, accompanied Jacquie in her visit to the Academy and students greeted them with warmth and premiere snacks.  Sitting in circle, Jacquie shared stories and ceremonies from local Anishnabe culture and spoke about her childhood, family life and education.  Students had the opportunity to ask questions towards the end of the ceremony.  We are grateful for the assistance that the Native Canadian Centre has given to our class this semester and look forward to continuing our relationship in the future.  Jacquie, thank you so much for visiting us and sharing your knowledge with us.

Native Canadian Centre Website

YMCA Academy students with elder Jacquie Lavelley and Devin Davis

Jan. 7th, 2011 – Geo students all over the map

The Grade 9 Geography students are looking at our relationship with the world this week.  By exploring issues such as child labour, free trade, human rights and environmental degradation, the students have been able to compare Canada to other countries.   Today the students looked at the United Nation’s Human Development Index (HDI) and its indicators by using a large Canadian Geographic world map.  As Brianna said “we’re all over the map today!”

Dec. 10th, 2010 – ‘Write for Rights’ Campaign Pics

On December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the grade 11 English class participated in Amnesty International’s ‘Write for Rights’ campaign. The students used their persuasive writing skills to press governments everywhere to stand by their commitment to uphold all of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. By taking part in Write for Rights, students were part of a global movement to share a vision of human rights for everyone.

Nov. 18th, 2010 – Swing Dancing at the Academy!

On Monday November 15th, the History class turned into a dance class!  As part of our Unit on the 1920’s and 1930’s, we were fortunate to have guests Dave Mott and Alexi Manis teach us the Charleston.  The students had a great time, as they danced to classic Charleston music, then tested the timelessness of the moves by busting out the same moves to Daft punk.  It was a fun class, and we’d all like to thank Dave and Alexi for teaching us a bit more about the culture and dance of the Roaring ‘20’s.

Academy students dancing to classic Charleston music
Dave Mott and Alexi Manis teaching the Charleston