May 23rd, 2013 – Strengthening Families Program


“Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth 12-16 (SFPY) is an evidence-based approach to improving parent-teen relationships, to helping teens build resiliency factors that support good decision-making and mental health”.

Do you want to create stronger family connections? The YMCA of Greater Toronto is hosting a 9 week pilot program in which parents and youth (ages 12-16) improve family relations by:
· Effective communications
· Negotiating family rules
· Working together to solve problems

When: 9 Tuesday evenings (6:00-8:30 pm) starting September 24th – Starts with light dinner served from 6:00-6:30 and then 2 hour program to 8:30.

What: Each session consists of 3 parts: Light supper with all families and facilitators followed by one hour facilitated sessions with youth and parents separated, followed by concluding session with families together. Each evening will present a topic dealing with a different dimension of personal development for youth and effective family functioning.

Where: Vanauley Street YMCA Centre, 7 Vanauley St. Toronto ON M5T 2V9 (just west of Spadina St and just north of Queen St)

Cost: Free! Plus free child-care, TTC tickets, Graduation Certificates, Small gifts for participating

Sponsored by: PAD (Parent Action on Drugs and The YMCA of Greater Toronto)

For more information or to register contact: Mike Dodds, YMCA of Greater Toronto 416-928-3362 ext 22498 or email:

*Note: There are limited spaces and families need to register by September 24th.

May 23rd, 2013 – Summer Programs

Youth Aquatic Leadership Program at The Central Y

(overnight included)

2 week duration

Youth work toward their Lifesaving Society Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross certifications in a full day camp setting during this two-week program. Youth spend four to five hours daily on lifesaving certification skills and the remainder of the day participating in camp activities. During an overnight retreat to YMCA Cedar Glen, they can put their trust and communication skills to the test on both high and low rope challenge courses and rock climbing wall. They also have the opportunity to volunteer at a YMCA Day Camp based on successful completion of the program and an interview. Community service hours for school may also be earned this program.

Qualifications Earned:

Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid:

Week 3 & 4 [July 15-26] (18-20 hr.):

Teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water-rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Rescuers learn tows and carries, and defense methods and releases in preparation for challenging rescues of increased risk involving conscious and unconscious victims of various types. Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a 500-metre timed swim.

Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid:

Week 7 & 8 [Aug 12-23] (18-20 hr.):

Designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training including an introduction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs including National Lifeguard and Instructor certification. Includes a timed 600-metre swim. (Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion)

Register Here


Outdoor Ed Credits at Camp Pine Crest

The YMCA Academy and Camp Pine Crest have collaborated to offer summer courses in outdoor education to register for summer courses in an outdoor ed setting please visit the Camp Pine Registration Website


Computer Skills classes at LDAO

Transitioning to Grade 9? Here’s a program to help you gain computer skills.

We have now opened registration for our summer programs. We are offering Summer Computer Camp once again, and for the first time ever we will be running our Friendship Club in the summer. On top of those programs we here at the Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, have numerous programs to support, teach, and coach children,youth, and young adults with learning disabilities and/or AD(H)D and their parents. Please see the attached flyers for program details. If you are interested in joining a program or have any questions, please feel free to contact myself, Stacey Brookes In-House Program Coordinator at 416-229-1680.

Half-Day: Keyboarding

9:30am – 12:00pm

Full-Day: Keyboarding, Assistive Technology & Recreational Activities

9:30am – 3:30pm
Early drop-off and late pick-up options available
Ages: 7 to 15


Summer School Credits at the TDSB

Toronto District School Board registration for Summer School Programs is now open.

Note:  The student’s completed application must be signed by the school.

Please see Mitchell Curci in Guidance to complete the application and obtain an official copy of the transcript that must accompany the application.

TDSB Summer School 2013

TDSB Summer School 2013 Course Offerings

TDSB Summer School 2013 Locations

Summer School Application for Non-TDSB Students