Feb 26th, 2013 – YMCA Megathon this Saturday!









Hi everyone!
As you know the MegaThon is fast approaching! This is our annual fundraising event and it will take place this

Saturday – March 2nd at the Central Y!

We hope to raise $50,000 in one full day of activities!

We are looking for volunteers to assist with a wide variety of tasks including :

– Set up & decorations (8:30am – 11:00am)
– Tear Down (3:00pm – 4:00pm)
– Registration & Sign In (10:30am – 1:30pm)
– Attendance at the doors of events (various times)
– Water runners (various times)
– Station monitors (1pm – 3pm)
– And more!

It will take a team to see this event through. If you are interested to volunteer for a single hour or even the whole day, please email or call me and I’ll book you in. If you coordinate a youth group, we would also be happy to take on a team of volunteers!

Thanks very much for your consideration!

Click for more details

Feb 14th, 2013 – YMCA Strong Kids Bake Sale

The second annual YMCA Academy Valentines Bake Sale, in support of the Strong Kids Campaign, was a huge success!  The front foyer of the Central Y was an explosion of pink and red on Tuesday with over ten student volunteers selling a variety of baked goods to the excited public.  Much thanks goes out to all our student volunteers, all families and staff who donated goodies, and all individuals who supported the sale by buying delicious treats.  Special thanks to our volunteer Peggy for coordinating the decorative wrapping of donations.  Happy Valentines Day!



Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Feb 7th, 2013 – Strong Kids / Valentines Bake Sale

Dear Parents / Guardians and Students,

Valentines Day is approaching and The YMCA Academy is gearing up for our exciting Valentines Bake Sale in support of the Strong Kids Campaign!

The bake sale will take place on Tuesday, February 12 from 3 – 5pm.  Students will be selling baked goods and other offerings in the front foyer of the Central Y.

We welcome any donations that we can sell, including baked goods, chocolate, candy, store bought cookies, handmade cards or any other ideas.  All proceeds will be donated to the Strong Kids Campaign which directly supports students at The YMCA Academy.


Jan 23rd, 2013 – Sprout Harvest and Tasting

The Academy had a chance to enjoy our first in-school harvest of sprouts from our Pickle Farm prototype design. The Grade 10 Learning Strategies class picked freshly sprouted pea shoots and sunflower seed sprouts in order to create a delicious appetizer consisting of fresh bakery bread, sprouts (of course!), fresh tomatoes and Boursin cheese. The class used this activity as part of their lesson on identifying and describing personal lifestyle strategies that enhance health and wellness and improve one’s readiness to learn – in this case – making nutritious food choices!



Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Jan 22nd, 2013 – Pickle Farm Project Blog

Natural Development

A group of collaborators from The YMCA Academy, The YMCA, Greenwood College and community artists are developing a living sculpture capable of growing pickles.  The partnership led by artist Micah Donovan with generous support from the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto YMCA, The YMCA Academy and Greenwood College brought the makers and innovators together to create a unique form of sculpture that grows in a solarium attached to The YMCA’s Family Development centre’s childcare space.  This living sculpture will yield experimental indoor versions of chard, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, herbs and other plants capable of transforming into pickles, chutneys, and preserves.  The sculpture investigates complexity in organic approaches to developing public spaces and parallels therein to cultures fermenting popular foods, engaging notions of authorship, art and productivity.




Partners Redistribute Expertise

Rebekka Hutton of Alchemy Pickles introduced the participants from the YMCA to lactic fermentation while Leslie McBeth’s Green Industries class from Greenwood College shared their indoor farming design experience with YMCA Academy students.  Katie Mathieu inaugurated the solarium Pickle Guild with a sub-irrigated planter workshop, Micah introduced clay, steel cold-forming, and ferrocement techniques over the several weeks. Students, volunteers, teachers, and staff from both Greenwood College and The YMCA Academy worked together on all stages.





The last development phase employed a remote creativity exercise where collaborators divided into four colour groups across both sites, four at Greenwood College and four at The YMCA Academy, and each group tried to anticipate what other was thinking.  The disembodied design exercise revealed deep trends that overlapped between the colour teams on each site and highlighted sculpture designs to narrow down the end result.

As the sculpture emerges from a synthesis of student and adult designs, the experiments grow and continue to develop, eventually accumulating in the form of living sculptures, plants, then pickles.  Cross cultural, natural, healthy, safe, and exciting, naturally fermented pickles address challenges of food preservation, diversity, regionalism, distribution, and ultimately creativity.  Working with the natural cycles and processes of fermentation restores a trust in the environment popular culture has only recently led us to fear, reconnecting us with our thousands of years invested in the pickle project.




Visit the Pickle Farm Website

*all photographs Micah Donovan 2012