As part of The YMCA Academy’s commitment to experiential learning, the Food and Nutrition (HFN1O) and Healthcare (TPJ3M) classes have been participating in a very exciting program called “Shovel and Spoon” available to us through one of our community partners, The Stop Community Food Centre. The program consists of a series of field trips to the beautiful Whychwood Barns (and occasionally Hillcrest Gardens). During the duration of the program at Whychwood Barns the students are fulfilling course curriculum expectations for each of their classes.
We are very fortunate to be participating in this unique program. It offers opportunities beyond those that we can offer on our premises and includes valuable lessons about healthy living and healthy choices, which are important for all students to learn.
The “Shovel and Spoon” program includes, but is not limited to, some of the following activities:
- Cooking in the community kitchen (i.e. canning and preserving, cooking on a budget, knife skills, low-sugar baking, cooking for one, and cooking for various health conditions)
- Planting in the greenhouse (i.e. food growing, sprouting, plant propagation, container gardening, seed starting)
- Hands-on learning about nutrition and wellness
- Shared reflection and journal writing
The Shovel and Spoon staff Toyin Coker and program volunteers (Lindsay, Lara and Lee) share their extensive knowledge through fun activities that engage the students and offer them a supported learning environment. The students and staff of The YMCA Academy are enjoying the experience tremendously!

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!
The Stop Community Food Centre Website