Jan. 25th, 2012 – Drum Making Workshop Pictures

Students in the Aboriginal Voices class participated in a workshop on making Aboriginal hand drums led by Steve Teekens, traditional drummer, singer, dancer and teacher from the Ojibway First Nation.  The workshop took place at the beautiful Dodem Kanonhsa’ Elder’s Cultural Facility at St. Clair and Yonge, which is supported by the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto (NCCT) and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC).  Students listened to Steve tell an Ojibway story about the drum and used traditional materials and techniques to make their own.  We are grateful to Amy Desjarlais for including us in the workshop and to Steve for sharing his knowledge with us.

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Visit the Dodem Kanonhsa Website

Jan. 24th, 2012 – Food Share Field Trip Pictures

The Food and Nutrition class spent an afternoon at FoodShare a non-profit community organization whose vision is Good Healthy Food for All.

They take a multifaceted, innovative, and long-term approach to hunger and food issues. FoodShare works on food issues “from field to table” – meaning that they focus on the entire system that puts food on our tables: from the growing, processing and distribution of food to its purchasing, cooking and consumption. They operate innovative grassroots projects that promote healthy eating, teach food preparation and cultivation, develop community capacity and create non-market-based forms of food.

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Visit the FoodShare Website

Nov. 17th, 2011 – Shovel and Spoon Program

As part of The YMCA Academy’s commitment to experiential learning, the Food and Nutrition (HFN1O) and Healthcare (TPJ3M) classes have been participating in a very exciting program called “Shovel and Spoon” available to us through one of our community partners, The Stop Community Food Centre.  The program consists of a series of field trips to the beautiful Whychwood Barns (and occasionally Hillcrest Gardens). During the duration of the program at Whychwood Barns the students are fulfilling course curriculum expectations for each of their classes.

We are very fortunate to be participating in this unique program.  It offers opportunities beyond those that we can offer on our premises and includes valuable lessons about healthy living and healthy choices, which are important for all students to learn.

The “Shovel and Spoon” program includes, but is not limited to, some of the following activities:

  • Cooking in the community kitchen (i.e. canning and preserving, cooking on a budget, knife skills, low-sugar baking, cooking for one, and cooking for various health conditions)
  • Planting in the greenhouse (i.e. food growing, sprouting, plant propagation, container gardening, seed starting)
  • Hands-on learning about nutrition and wellness
  • Shared reflection and journal writing

The Shovel and Spoon staff Toyin Coker and program volunteers (Lindsay, Lara and Lee) share their extensive knowledge through fun activities that engage the students and offer them a supported learning environment. The students and staff of The YMCA Academy are enjoying the experience tremendously!

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

The Stop Community Food Centre Website

Nov. 8th, 2011 – Statefarm Cheque Granting Pics

Statefarm grants Evergreen & the YMCA Academy a cheque for $39,090

Evergreen and The YMCA Academy are recent recipients of a state farm grant to fund the creation and implementation of the Eco-Ambassador program. Between September 2011 and June 2012, the YMCA Eco-Ambassadors project will engage our entire student body in a series of hands-on environmental education workshops and greening activities.  Each of the youth participants will engage in service learning in 3 subject areas:

  • Active transportation
  • Food systems
  • Urban ecology

Youth will collaborate with teachers and Evergreen staff to identify goals and activities for each module that match Ontario curriculum requirements with hands-on environmental opportunities.  Building on the momentum of 3 years of successful collaboration, the YMCA Eco-Ambassador program will generate teachable moments within YMCA Academy classrooms, and equip youth with the knowledge and skills to become ambassadors for sustainable living in their families and communities.

Between our hike through the Brickworks quarry and a workshop on bike tire repair, Statefarm representatives took a moment to give Academy the GIANT cheque.

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Oct. 31st, 2011 – Evergreen ‘Eco Ambassadors’

Yesterday, a group of Academy students visited Evergreen Brickworks in the Don Valley. After a beautiful walk to a lookout point overlooking the city of Toronto and some beautiful fall foliage, students headed to the workshop to and learned to repair flat tires on bikes. The activities were part of the Active Transportation unit in the ‘Eco Ambassadors’ program, a partnership between the YMCA Academy and Evergreen Brickworks with generous support from Statefarm.

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Check out Evergreen Canada’s Website