Nov. 5th, 2010 – Wilderness First Aid Pictures

Dave Mott facilitated a Wilderness First Aid Workshop for the Academy’s Health Care students. Students became part of a Central Tibetan Recue mission and discovered and treated bruises and breaks on our lost hiker (thanks Alexi!).

Dave Mott speaking with YMCA Academy students about Wilderness First Aid
Practice Scenario of a rescue mission for an injured hiker
Academy students learning how to identify bruises and bone fractures

Oct. 7th, 2010 – Pics of tree planting at Evergreen

Here are the pictures from our Environment Stewardship day at Evergreen’s Downsview Park, we planted dozens of baby trees and moved mountains of mulch!

YMCA Academy students tree planting at Downsview Park
Moving the mountain of Mulch!
Moving more mulch
Academy staff and students working hard!
Students at Evergreen's Downsview Park
Group photo for Environment Stewardship 🙂

For more information on Downsview park:

Sept. 30th, 2010 – Environmental Stewardship Trip

Tomorrow the Academy will be fulfilling its commitment to the environment by participating in environmental stewardship at Downsview Park. The YMCA Academy is one of evergreens environmental stewardship schools and we will be participating in this twice yearly environmental service project. We will engage in environmental rehabilitation projects such as tree planting and mulching we will also take a guided tour of Downsview Park. Downsview Park used to be a military base and has been rehabilitated by Evergreen. Some of the things we will learn about include the local ecosystem, native plant species, the importance of wetlands, and the necessity of humans taking an active role in protecting our environment. Check back for pictures tomorrow evening!

Sept. 15th, 2010 – Brickworks Field Trip

Reminder that there is an all school field trip to Evergreen’s Brickworks tomorrow. Some things to remember:

– Please bring in your permission form or have your parent / guardian email the school if you don’t have your forms in.

– There is a good chance of rain at some point during the day, so please dress accordingly. Dress in layers, bring rain gear and wear comfortable shoes.

– Remember to bring your own lunch. Although they will have some snacks for us, there is nowhere to buy lunch on site.

See you tomorrow!

Visit the Evergreen Brickworks website: