April 16th, 2013 – Spring Open House Reminder

Spring Open House  Saturday April 20th 2013, 11:00am – 1:00pm

Academy faculty and students will be available for tours and introductions to our facility, programming and community. Please drop in for refreshments and a visit.

This year we are combining our Open House dates to coincide with our  TEDxYMCAAcademy events. TEDxYMCA Academy will be providing lunch during our Open House hours to allow families to attend both events.

Visit the TEDxYMCAAcademy Website

April 15th, 2013 – YMCA at the Green Living Show

The YMCA featured at the Green Living show

For the second year in a row, the YMCA of Greater Toronto is showcasing its work in health, wellness, and the environment at the Green Living Show.  From April 12-14th at the Direct Energy Centre, visitors will be able to learn all about the different projects the YMCA is up to in the area of environmental sustainability.  Not only will the Y have its own exhibitor booth, we will also be engaging visitors in hands-on presentations and workshops for adults and kids.  

The Green Living Show is North America’s largest eco-consumerism trade show and welcomes over 30,000 visitors every year.  It features a broad range of exhibitors from grassroots artisans selling fair trade products, to auto companies offering test drives in their electric vehicles.  The YMCA of Greater Toronto is proud to be part of the successful Green Living Show again.  We hope to see you there.


YMCA programmed events at this year’s Green Living Show

On the Sweat Equity Yoga and Fitness Pavilion, join YMCA instructor Abdou in a 30 min. Hatha Yoga demonstration on Saturday April 13 at 10:30am.  On Sunday, April 14 at 12:30pm, YMCA instructor Julieta will be leading a Zumba Class. 

On Sunday, April 14 in the Health and Wellness Pavilion, the YMCA will be doing another Hatha Yoga demonstration from 11:45am – 12:45pm. 

The YMCA will also have a presence in the Kids Zone with presentations on Amazing Animals with the Cedar Glen Outdoor Centre, Camp Fun with Camp Pinecrest, and Camp Fire Songs and Animal Parts.


The YMCA Academy’s Green Initiatives!

As a school run by the YMCA, The Academy will showcase its Green initiatives at the YMCA booth. Here’s a small taste of Green programming offered at The Academy alternative high school.


Community work


Whole – school projects


Evergreen Partnership:


Last year’s Green Living Show Trip: https://www.ymcaacademy.org/?p=2558

Mar 8th, 2013 – Strengthening Families Program



“Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth 12-16 (SFPY) is an evidence-based approach to improving parent-teen relationships, to helping teens build resiliency factors that support good decision-making and mental health”.

Do you want to create stronger family connections? The YMCA of Greater Toronto is hosting a 9 week pilot program in which parents and youth (ages 12-16) improve family relations by:
· Effective communications
· Negotiating family rules
· Working together to solve problems

When: 9 Tuesday evenings (6:00-8:30 pm) starting Tuesday March 26th through to Tuesday May 21st – Starts with light dinner served from 6:00-6:30 and then 2 hour program to 8:30.

What: Each session consists of 3 parts: Light supper with all families and facilitators followed by one hour facilitated sessions with youth and parents separated, followed by concluding session with families together. Each evening will present a topic dealing with a different dimension of personal development for youth and effective family functioning.

Where: Vanauley Street YMCA Centre, 7 Vanauley St. Toronto ON M5T 2V9 (just west of Spadina St and just north of Queen St)

Cost: Free! Plus free child-care, TTC tickets, Graduation Certificates, Small gifts for participating

Sponsored by: PAD (Parent Action on Drugs and The YMCA of Greater Toronto)

For more information or to register contact: Mike Dodds, YMCA of Greater Toronto 416-928-3362 ext 22498 or email: mike.dodds@ymcagta.org

*Note: There are limited spaces and families need to register by March 19th.

Mar 4th, 2013 – Spring ahead with a New Program

Dear Parents, Guardians, Professionals and Community Members:

Registration has now begun for our Spring sessions and spaces are filling up fast. We here at the Learning Disabilities Association Toronto District, have numerous programs to support, teach, and coach children, youth, and young adults with learning disabilities and/or AD(H)D and their parents. Please see the attached flyers for program details. If you are interested in joining a program or have any questions, please feel free to contact myself, Stacey Brookes In-House Program Coordinator at 416-229-1680.


The Friendship Club

A Social Skills/Socialization Program designed to teach children with learning disabilities and/or AD(H)D the concrete skills they need to make and keep friends and effectively problem solve.


This program:
– Helps participants develop social skills, life skills and problem solving strategies
– Provides a safe environment to practice skills
– Builds positive social relationships where self-esteem and self-confidence can develop

Winter session: 13 weeks beginning the week of March 25 to June 17, 2013

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Mondays: 8-9 year olds Wednesdays: 10-11 year olds

Tuesdays: * NEW 4-5 and 6-7year olds Thursdays: 12-13 year olds

Space is limited to 10 per group.



Does your child have trouble Concentrating or Focusing?

Mindfulness for Kids

The program is designed to teach children with learning disabilities and/or AD(H)D what mindfulness is and how it can be beneficial to them. They will learn ways to help them be present in the moment.


Session Dates:
April 4 – May 16, 2013

Ages: 8 to 11 years old Time: Thursdays 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Ages: 12 to 15 years old Time: Thursdays 5:45 to 6:45 p.m.

Fee: $175.00

Space is limited to 6 per group.



Keyboarding for Kids at Montcrest School

Session dates:
Apr. 11 – May. 23, 2013
Time: Thursdays at 4:30 – 5:45 p.m

Location: Montcrest School,
658 Broadview Ave.
Toronto, ON M4K 2P1

Fee: $150.00 per session

Space is limited to 10 children per group.



Keyboarding for Kids Program

The Learning Disabilities Association Toronto is continuing to register for the 2012-2013 Keyboarding Program. This program provides a comfortable and receptive environment where children can acquire keyboarding skills and also have fun at the same time.

Session dates:
Mar. 2 – Apr. 20, 2013
Apr. 27 – Jun. 8, 2013

Times: Group 1: 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. Group 2: 11: 30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Ages: 7 to 15

Fee: $150.00 for per child

Space is limited per group! Register quickly!



Assistive Technology Training for Kids Program

The goal of this program is to provide a comfortable and receptive environment where children can acquire skills in the use of assistive technology software such as Kurzweil 3000 and Read and Write Gold. Our program will guide children through the process with sensitivity to their individual needs. The courses will offer a “go at your own speed” opportunity for children.


Session dates:
Mar. 2 – Apr. 20, 2013
Apr. 27 – Jun. 8, 2013

Ages: 8 – 16 years old

Fees: $150.00 for child
$250.00 for child and parent

Location: 121 Willowdale Ave., Suite 203 (Yonge St. and Sheppard Ave.)

Space is limited to 5 children! Register today!



Smart Kidz Tutoring

Poor grades?
Struggling with homework?
Working with an IEP? (Individual Education Plan)
Don’t know where to turn?

We Can Help!!

Tutoring in line with the school curriculum
Qualified, caring tutors
Tutoring you can afford

Session Dates:
Mar. 3 – Apr. 21, 2013 (no class Mar. 17 and March 31)
Apr. 28 – June 2, 2013

Times: Sundays
Group 1: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. -> Kindergarten – Grade 7
Group 2: 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. -> Grades 8 – 12

Fee: $150.00 per 6 week session

Sign up! Space is Limited!



Young Adult Group

Are you 18 to 24 struggling with friendships, post-secondary decisions, navigating the workplace or planning for the future? Come join us for our Young Adult Group Lounge!! It’s a guaranteed fun FRIDAY night of new friends, skills and community happenings.

About the Program:
– Helps develop social skills, life skills and problem solving strategies
– Covers topics such as being yourself, understanding relationships, and discovering career interests
– Provides opportunities to learn and share with each other

Session 2: April 5 – June 14, 2013 (Employment, education and advocacy focus)
Time: Fridays 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Space is limited to 10 per group.

Feb 14th, 2013 – YMCA Strong Kids Bake Sale

The second annual YMCA Academy Valentines Bake Sale, in support of the Strong Kids Campaign, was a huge success!  The front foyer of the Central Y was an explosion of pink and red on Tuesday with over ten student volunteers selling a variety of baked goods to the excited public.  Much thanks goes out to all our student volunteers, all families and staff who donated goodies, and all individuals who supported the sale by buying delicious treats.  Special thanks to our volunteer Peggy for coordinating the decorative wrapping of donations.  Happy Valentines Day!



Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!