Feb. 15th, 2012 – Invite to Academy P.D. on IEPs

The YMCA Academy continues its tradition of Parenting Workshops through 2012.

2012 ParentEd 2.0 Series

Empower your children; A presentation on your rights as a family for a fair and fast Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Please join us:

Monday, February 27th at 7:00pm

The YMCA Academy
15 Breadalbane St, Toronto
North Building third floor

Feb. 14th, 2012 – Invite to Academy P.D. on LDs

The YMCA Academy is hosting a series of free Professional Development workshops for Guidance Counselors and Special Education Teachers

Important Issues Special Education; supporting LDs in the classroom

Please join us:

Saturday, February 25th at 1:00pm

The YMCA Academy
15 Breadalbane St, Toronto
North Building third floor

Event Attendees will receive a family Pass to the Central Y (The YMCA Academy’s health fitness and recreation centre)

Jan. 26th, 2012 – Details for next week (Jan 30th)

Dear Parents / Guardians,

As students are finishing up exams today and tomorrow, we thought we’d let you know the plan for students next week:

  • Monday January 30th is Turn-Around Day – there is no school for students.  For students who are interested in knowing how they did on their exams and/or finding out their marks for Semester 1, they can drop in to speak with their teacher(s) between 2-3pm (by appointment only).
  • Tuesday January 31st is the first day of classes for 2nd semester.  Classes begin at 9:30am and it is a shortened day.  The morning will consist of 20 minute classes and students will be dismissed before the lunch hour.
  • Wednesday February 1st is a regular school day (9:30 am to 3:45 pm).
  • Thursday February 2nd is a Voices Schedule therefore, school will end at 2:25pm.
  • Friday February 3rd is a regular school day (9:30 am to 3:45 pm).

If you have any questions about next week, please call The Academy at (416) 928-0124 ext “0”.


Jan. 13th, 2012 – Ability in Action Workshop

On Friday January 13 😉 the Gr.11 Health Care (TPJ3M) and Gr.10 Healthy Active Living (PPL2O) classes trekked out to Scarborough in the snow to participate in “Ability in Action, a workshop delivered by Variety Village. The workshop exposed students to various assistive equipment, adapted sports and the rigors of using a wheelchair. Academy staff and students left with a broader understanding of accessibility and great respect for wheelchair basketball (the hardest sport we’ve attempted so far). Thanks Variety Village for hosting us!

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Visit the Variety Village Website