Dec. 14th, 2011 – Open House a great success!

From former students and staff to community partners, over 70 people visited the new school facility on Wednesday, November 30.  Students were on hand to tour visitors through our bright, new school at 15 Breadalbane St.  Over refreshments and cake we shared our pride in our lovely new “home”.  Alumni returned to ooh and aah over the lovely cafeteria, cool art room and proximity to the Central Y (no more walking 10 minutes to get to gym class!).  YMCA staff from other programs stopped by to wish us well in our new school space and Central Y members came by to see the newly finished spaces.  Thanks to everyone who dropped by to see us and for wishing us well.

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!

Oct. 4th, 2011 – Parent Speaker Series Reminder

Just a reminder that the Education about the ADHD Brain and Strategies for Supporting ADHD Teens Parent Speaker Series presentation by Ann Clarkson, Professional Certified Coach, is taking place October 20th, 2011, at the Academy at 7pm.

If you are planning to join us to learn more about the ADHD brain and key strategies to effectively manage ADHD with your teenager, but have not RSVP yet, please kindly do so as soon as possible via e-mail to or call us at 416-928-0124 ext. 0

Ann Clarkson

Ann Clarkson, MA, PCC, ACCG, is a Family and Business Coach with a speciality in helping people living with Attention Deficit Disorder. With 20 years experience in the workplace, she specializes in coaching adults dealing with workplace stress and dissatisfaction who want to be more productive and fulfilled. As a parent of a 17 year old son with ADD and LDs, she also loves to work with parents and families. Ann coaches adults who want to improve their relationship with their spouse, parents who want to learn how to positively support their children, and young adults who are at college or university, or who are trying to figure out what they want to do in life. She is passionate about helping ADD/ADHD clients – and their families — focus on their unique strengths and potential, and provide tools for action and learning that will help them become the best they can be.

Ann completed her coach training with the ADD Coach Academy in 2006. This is the only comprehensive ADD/ADHD coach training program accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the governing body for the coaching profession. Ann is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the ICF, and the ADD Coach Academy (ACCG). She has over 6 years and more than 1,000 hours of experience working with ADD/ADHD clients and their families across Canada and the USA. She sits on the Advisory Council of the Professional Association of ADHD Coaches (PAAC).

Sept. 19th, 2011 – List of Upcoming Events

October 1st, 2011 – TEDxYMCAAcademy

This TEDx event is hosted by The YMCA Academy, a high school in central Toronto, serving students with learning differences. TEDxYMCAAcademy will gather together experts to speak about learning disabilities from the following points of view:

and Social

Please join us at the Central YMCA in Toronto for this inspiring event. For those unable to attend in person, we will stream the event live on the TEDxYMCAAcademy website!

October 13th, 2011 – School Tour & Curriculum Night

We would like to invite you to our upcoming Curriculum Night as well as a Tour of our New Home on Thursday October 13th!

The tour will start at 6pm for any of our Parents, Guardians and Students that would like to see and tour our new facilities at 15 Breadalbane Street, 3rd Floor in the new Family Development Centre.  Our guests will then have the option to stay for light refreshments to visit with fellow Academy families and staff and have a brief break before the Curriculum Night Presentation begins.  Our Curriculum Night consists of a general overview of information related to planning for post-secondary education, secondary school graduation requirements (including Community Involvement requirements), and Cooperative Education.  We will also speak about the IEP and IPRC processes.  All Parents, Guardians and current Students are welcome to come to either the tour, Curriculum Night or to stay for both.  Please see below for a general outline of the evening’s events.

6:00pm – 7:00pm – Tour of New Location

7:00pm – 7:30pm – Light Refreshments

7:30pm – 7:45pm – Curriculum Night Introduction

  • Curriculum Support
  • Guidance
  • Special Education

7:45pm – 8:15pm – General Overview of:

  • Secondary school graduation requirements
  • Forty-hour Community Involvement requirements
  • Cooperative Education

8:15pm – 9:00pm – Post-secondary Planning

  • College / University Information & Application Process
  • Apprenticeship Training
  • Special Education Support
  • Scholarships / Financial Aid

Again, all Parents and Guardians are welcome and current Students are also encouraged to attend.   Please RSVP to (416) 928-0124 ext. “0” or via e-mail  Please RSVP by Friday October 7th.  And if you know of  someone who might benefit from The YMCA Academy, please let them know that we will be having an Open House at the end of November for anyone who is interested in our program or would like a tour of the school.  Please check our website periodically for further details regarding all Academy upcoming events.

We hope to see you on October 13th!

October 20th, 2011 – ADHD Brain and Strategies Presentation

Just a reminder that the Education about the ADHD Brain and Strategies for Supporting ADHD Teens Parent Speaker Series presentation by Ann Clarkson, Professional Certified Coach, is taking place October 20th, 2011, at the Academy at 7pm.

If you are planning to join us to learn more about the ADHD brain and key strategies to effectively manage ADHD with your teenager, but have not RSVP yet, please kindly do so as soon as possible via e-mail to or call us at 416-928-0124 ext. 0

May 19th, 2011 – Evergreen Stewardship Details

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Just a reminder that the YMCA Academy – Evergreen Stewardship Day at Canada Forest at Downsview Park is THIS FRIDAY (May 20th).  Students will be leaving the Academy at 9:30am and will be dismissed at the end of the school day.

The purpose of the excursion is to engage the entire student population in a day of service related to the YMCA’s core values of respect and health for this academic year.  The YMCA Academy is one of Evergreen’s Environmental Stewardship schools, and we will be fulfilling our commitment to this environmental service project.  Specific curriculum expectations related to the field trip will be addressed by individual course teachers – this trip fulfills curriculum expectations at each grade level, and is a mandatory school trip.

Requirements for Participants:

Activity CostTTC fare x 4 (home to school; school to Downsview Park; Downsview Park to school; school to home)

Food/snacks:  Bring a brown bag lunch, snacks, and water

Transportation Cost: TTC fare x 4 (home to school; school to Downsview Park; Downsview Park to school; school to home)

Clothing and equipmentSeasonal outdoor clothing and sturdy outdoor shoes.  Please be aware that we will be physically working outdoors in the forest.  Students should dress in layers, and be prepared for cooler weather, rain or hopefully warm sunshine.  Students should be dressed appropriately, apply SPF and wear a hat or other protective clothing if needed.

Permission forms have been e-mailed home last week, which require your signature prior to their participation.  You may also email your permission directly to the school to

Should you have any questions about the field trips, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the Academy.

May 10th, 2011 – Volunteer Recognition Assembly

Volunteerism is an important part of the YMCA culture with countless volunteers contributing to various programs across the association.

At the Academy we paused our lessons for a moment of recognition and appreciation. Staff, Students and Volunteers gathered to recognize &  give special thanks to three Academy volunteers,  Dale Jeffries, Peggy Mannis and Todd Harrison,  who have contributed their time, energy and support to the Academy family over the last 3 years. Students made cards and a few used this opportunity to say special thanks to those with whom they had worked closely

On behalf of the Academy and the Association we thank YOU for all you do.

Check out the rest of the pictures on our Facebook Page!