Jan. 4th, 2011 – January 11 Open House Reminder

Please join us for our


Our Assistant Head of School, Tracey Addison, will be on hand for tours of the school and to speak with prospective families about our unique secondary school program.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

7:00 – 9:00 P.M.

The YMCA Academy

42 Charles Street East, 5th Floor

Toronto, Ontario

Tel:  416-928-0124 ext. 0

If you know someone who might benefit from The YMCA Academy experience, please pass on this information.

Dec. 13th, 2010 – Upcoming Events Schedule

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Just a few reminders about upcoming events/important dates:

  • Wednesday, December 15th is the 2nd annual YMCA Academy Talent show. It will take place at 1:30 p.m. on the 9th floor auditorium (here at 42 Charles Street E – same building as the Academy) and will feature talented acts from Academy students and YMCA staff members alike.  Some of our performances this year include a barbershop quartet, a rap twist on a classic tune, exotic musical instrument solos, a daycare holiday video and many more.  All are welcome to attend.  Please RSVP to bonita.ip@ymcagta.org or call the Academy at 416-928-0124 ext. “0.”  We will be collecting donations for the Strong Kids Campaign at the door.
  • Friday, December 17th is the last day of classes before we break for the holidays – students are expected to be in school on Friday and attendance calls/e-mails will be made if students are not here.
  • The first day of classes in the new year is Tuesday, January 4th, 2011.

Dec. 2nd, 2010 – Adolescent Brain Presentation

The Adolescent Brain presentation by Kim Charteris is taking place next Monday (December 6th).  The presentation has been designed to provide you with knowledge and information that we hope will be helpful in understanding the challenges that your teenagers face as members of today’s society.

Current research tells us that the adolescent brain is still under construction with the higher executive functions, especially related to decision-making, not fully in place until well into our 20’s. We hope this presentation may help eliminate some parental confusion by answering the questions: “What were they thinking?” or “Why did they do that?”

If you are planning to join us but have not RSVP yet, please kindly do so as soon as possible via e-mail to bonita.ip@ymcagta.org or call us at 416-928-0124 ext 0. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend!

Click Here for more information on the YMCA Academy Speaker Series

Nov. 22nd, 2010 – Peace Week Events Schedule

Good Afternoon,

This week the YMCA is celebrating Peace Week.  As part of this, the Academy has many exciting events and activities planned as part of our celebrations.  For your information (and possibly participation), we have included details about our Peace Week events and projects.

These include:

  • The premier of our Peace Week video
  • A Peace Tree and Art display
  • The release of the Good News Newsletter
  • Two Peace Medallion Award Ceremonies (where Academy students are volunteering)
  • And, a Lunch and Learn at the school.

Please see below for more information on each of these:

Peace Week Video – Release Monday November 22

The Peace week video is a 20 minute overview of the many ways that we work to promote peace at the YMCA Academy – within ourselves, with each other, and with the environment.  It will be shown at the two Peace Medallion ceremonies, with a student introduction, and also at the Lunch and Learn.  It will also be featured on our web site and Youtube channel. You may contact Michelle Johnson for more information (michelle.johnson@ymcagta.org).

Peace Tree and Art Display – All Week – November 22-26

World Religion and Art students have created a beautiful Peace Tree that will be displayed November 22 and 23 at the Peace Medallion Ceremonies. The Peace Tree features religious and cultural symbols from all over the world.  Leaves around the tree will invite everyone to contribute to the tree by adding their own wishes or commitments to peace.  The art students have also created paintings where symbols of war and violence transform into symbols of peace and harmony. After the ceremonies, the Peace Tree and Peace Art will be brought back to 42 Charles to be displayed.  You can contact Kaili Glennon (kaili.glennon@ymcagta.org) or Alexi Manis (alexi.manis@ymcagta.org) for more information.

The Good News Newsletter – Release Monday November 22

This is the third edition of the Good News Newsletter, and it is being released to coincide with Peace Week.  Students, staff and guests have contributed to make this a very positive and uplifting read.  Learn all about our activities in class, our field trips and school activities, see some pictures from the year so far, and celebrate the accomplishments of student writers.  The Newsletter will also be available for viewing online Here.  For more information, please contact Melissa O’Leary (melissa.oleary@ymcagta.org).

Peace Medallion Awards – Monday and Tuesday November 22 and 23

Every year, local YMCA’s award a community member with a Peace Medallion, and celebrate their contributions and accomplishments during an award ceremony.  Academy students will be volunteering at these events as greeters and helpers, as Peace Tree ambassadors, as distributors of the Newsletter, and as speakers.  There are two ceremonies that Academy students will be involved with.  Students should speak directly to their parents about participating in these after school events, and about getting home afterwards.  Community service hours will be earned by participating students.

Monday November 22 – 42 Charles Street, 9th Floor (Most History and Geography students, and some other Academy student volunteers, 3 teachers will be present) – Students will be doing promotion of this event in the building starting around 3:00.  We will then go to the 9th Floor Auditorium around 4 to help set up. The reception starts at 5:30 and the ceremony starts at 6:00.   Parents are definitely welcome to attend, and the ceremony should be over by 7:30, or perhaps earlier. Please RSVP to Melissa O’Leary (melissa.oleary@ymcagta.org).

Tuesday November 23 – West End YMCA – (This involves only 3 Academy students, and 2 teachers) The event starts at 6:30 for the reception for the public – this is a small RSVP only event.  Academy volunteers will arrive at 5:45, have dinner, then help set up.  It should be finished between 8 and 8:30.

Lunch and Learn – Thursday November 25 (12:15 to 1:15pm)

The Academy is presenting a Lunch and Learn in conjunction with the 42 Charles Street Green Team.  We will show the Peace Week video, an Academy student will talk about her life-changing trip to Kenya last summer, and we will have a facilitated discussion on the link between the Environment and Peace.  Parents are welcome to attend.  Please RSVP to bonita.ip@ymcagta.org.  For questions, contact Melissa O’Leary (melissa.oleary@ymcagta.org).

Happy Peace Week to all – we hope that you are able to join us for some of our wonderful events.

Don Adams