Oct. 14th, 2010 – Curriculum Night & Open House

Dear Parents / Guardians,

Just a reminder that the YMCA Academy Curriculum Night + Open House is next Wednesday (Oct 20th):

Curriculum Night

This will be a general overview of information related to planning for post-secondary education, secondary school graduation requirements (including community involvement requirements), ILC (Independent Learning Centre) courses, and Cooperative Education.  We will also speak about IEPs and the IPRC process.  All parents, guardians, and current students are welcome.


This is an opportunity to present information about the Academy to prospective parents and students (not our current families).  We are asking for your support in passing the word on to at least one family that you know whom you think might benefit from enrolling at the Academy.  We have openings for the second semester of this academic year, as well as next year.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

7:00 – 9:00pm

The YMCA Academy

42 Charles Street East, 5th Floor

Toronto, Ontario

If you have not sent in your RSVPs already, please do so at your earliest convenience.

And if you know someone who might benefit from The YMCA Academy experience, please pass on this information.

Please RSVP to (416) 928-0124 ext. “0” or via e-mail bonita.ip@ymcagta.org
