Youth Exchange Canada: Toronto – Day One

YMCA Academy students with the exchange group on Day 1
On our first day of the YMCA Youth Exchange a small group of our students went to go and greet the exchange students from New Brunswick who had just landed after their flight. We guided them on the TTC from their hotel to one of our exchange student’s neighbourhood where we had a feast at the local community center. Each student’s family had to contribute at least one dish to the feast, and those dishes ranged from pasta salad all the way to mini pulled pork sandwiches.

Before the feast started we introduced our new guests to a brief history of Toronto, which included the Indigenous history, and what the city was used for in the past. We then introduced them with a traditional Indigenous song and drumming. We then had Pauline Shirt, a Native elder who lives in Toronto, welcome all of the guests.

After that was finished we all ate the food brought by the parents, and then socialized with each other to get to know each other. Some teachers led the group back to the hotel and we said goodbye, before we met the next day.

By Phoenix

YMCA Youth Exchange Silent Auction

On Thursday March 28th, 2019 the YMCA Academy hosted a silent auction to help raise funds for the Youth Exchange program. Parents and community members/organizations graciously donated a wide variety of items which drew lots of people over to our auction. We had tons of books, shoes, pottery, gift cards, appliances, and 3 bikes!

We raised over $2500 which will significantly help us create an amazing experience for the exchange group. 14 youth and their leaders will be visiting from Tobique First Nation in New Brunswick and we have planned a full week of activities.

Thank you to all of our donors for making this event a great success!

  • Everyday Bikes
  • Massage Addict, The Beaches
  • A Good Sleep
  • Mud Makers Studio
  • ARTAX Taxation for artists
  • The Monarch Tea Co.
  • Tiffany Clare, Author
  • Ampersand Inc.
  • Penguin Random House
  • House of Anansi / Groundwood
  • KidsCan Books
  • bella wella
  • And thanks to our community of parents for their many generous donations!

    Academy on ice: Building community through skating and hot chocolate

    Students skating at Nathan Phillips Square

    By Jonah Milo

    On February 22, the YMCA Academy went on our annual school skating trip. The entire school including all grades and teachers walked down to Nathan Phillips Square and participated in skating and enjoying the trip as a community. Students with years of skating experience as well as students who have never tried on skates before all participated with enthusiasm in skating, drinking hot chocolate and enjoying the -6 degree weather we were blessed with.

    The skating trip is a good opportunity for the school to do something as a community. During the trip you will see all the students participating in skating as well as more experienced skaters helping the less experienced. The skating trip is one of the many trips the school has throughout the year. The community at the YMCA Academy is something that is important to us and is why we have many trips throughout the year such as the skating trip as well as our Cedar Glen trip, and Toronto Island trip. These trips help us get to know each other as we grow as a school and as a community.

    Check out more photos from this event on Facebook page!

    Jonah is a Grade 12 YMCA Academy student.

    Academy Rowing Crew’s 24-hour Row

    The Sweat for Good Challenge!

    It’s just 3 days until the Academy Rowing Crew’s 24-hour row!

    We’ll be rowing from 8am on Friday, March 1st through to 8am on Saturday, March 2nd.  This is truly an Academy community event.  We currently have over 65 students, staff, alumni, families, volunteers and friends signed up to participate with our team!

    Adding to the team effort this year, Colleen, one of the Academy’s teachers, will be attempting to set a new world distance record for a 24-hour row.

    The Sweat for Good Challenge (formerly known as Megathon) is an important part of our school’s annual initiative to promote the connection between mental wellness and physical activity. The focus is to raise our students’ awareness about the role physical activity plays in mental health. Being active reduces the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression — issues that impact many young people.

    Last year, we raised over $2,500 and our goal is to surpass that number this year.

    All fundraising from this event goes towards making YMCA programs financially accessible to everyone. Students at the Academy benefit directly from these funds.

    Check out our Sweat for Good Challenge page – Donations can be made here!

    If you wish to participate and haven’t signed up already, there’s still time to join our crew – contact Katie Clay

    Ending Homelessness – One Youth At a Time


    Students and staff from the YMCA Academy once again braved the cold to help support Youth Without Shelter.

    On Friday, February 1st, 25 students and staff participated in the 9th annual Time4Change (formerly Tokens4Change) fundraising event. The money raised goes to providing youth access to transit and empowering support programs at Youth Without Shelter, an emergency residence and referral agency in Etobicoke. Transit fare allows youth to attend school, seek a safe place to call home, find employment and new beginnings.

    In January, the entire school participated in a workshop led by Youth Without Shelter, that educated students on the important programs they provide and why it is such a need in Toronto.This led many students to sign up and through the event gain deeper understanding through learning. Our students had the opportunity to teach commuters about the issue of homelessness and be engaged in powerful discussions. One youth was approached by a woman currently living in shelter who thanked them for their efforts. Another person commended us as they had volunteered at this event before and knew how challenging it is. Some passersby were impressed with our chants and enthusiasm, while others donated so that we would be quiet! Either way we were able to educate the public and bring in lots of donations, big and small, which helped make the event a success.

    This year’s Time4Change event saw almost 600 volunteers canvassing at 27 locations. The grand total raised in just one day was $88,000!

    Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to this great cause!