Dec. 14th, 2010 – Never Too Old to Use Blocks!

Building blocks and other manipulatives are used in a math class to help the students understand abstract concepts at a tangible level.

The grade 10 math class started a new unit today on quadratic equations.  They were given a real life situation: Luisa is designing an apartment building in a pyramid design.  Each apartment is a square.  She wants to know how many apartments can be built in this design as the number of apartments on the ground floor increases.

The students created the apartment building, collected the data using connecting cubes and graphed the relationship.

Dec. 10th, 2010 – ‘Write for Rights’ Campaign Pics

On December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the grade 11 English class participated in Amnesty International’s ‘Write for Rights’ campaign. The students used their persuasive writing skills to press governments everywhere to stand by their commitment to uphold all of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. By taking part in Write for Rights, students were part of a global movement to share a vision of human rights for everyone.

Dec. 2nd, 2010 – ‘Tis the season to make kites

Just as most of us are finding mittens and making sure the shovel is handy, the grade 10 math class is dreaming of warmer times and are making kites.  They combined their knowledge of measurement (metric and imperial), angles, triangles and surface area as they made tetrahedron kites this week.

Let’s hope that winter comes late as we hope to head out next week to fly our creations.  Think warm thoughts for us or at least unpack the scarves and toques and send them to school as we brave the weather in the hopes to hold off winter for at least a little while.

Nov. 19th, 2010 – Health Care projects on display

The Grade 11 Health Care College/ University (TPJ3M) class has completed their body systems projects. If you are wondering:

  • How your diaphragm makes your lungs inflate.
  • How electrical impulses make your body move.
  • What atherosclerosis is.
  • OR
  • What a spinal column actually looks like….

…. Then come by our display outside the lab!

The circulatory system
The nervous system

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