Last Day of Classes
Need we say more than……June 16th. I know, I know you’ll miss us.
Last Day of Classes
Need we say more than……June 16th. I know, I know you’ll miss us.
Centre Island Trip
We had to cancel the whole school Centre Island trip planned for June 1st. The weather guys had it wrong – they called for rain – so we canceled and missed a beautifully sunny day.
Our NEW date with the Island is set for: Tuesday June 8th!
Come to school prepared for sunshine with your hats and sunscreen, pack a lunch with a snack to share and get ready for FUN!
Daycare Dance Party!
Every Wednesday in 4th period join Alexi’s Dance class while they host the daycare dance party.
Hot Docs Film Festival
On May 7th The Academy students in Michelle Johnson’s courses were invited to attend free screenings at the HOTDocs film festival.
Ministry Inspection
The Academy is inspected every 2 years by the Ministry of Education. Our inspection date is May 11th, 2010. Please welcome our ministry representative Nancy Gilbert to the floor.
Voices Assembly
This month’s Voices Assembly will be altered. We are using this time slot to take headshots for the yearbook. Please feel free to “prepare” for PHOTO
Evergreen Partnership
The YMCA Academy staff and students are taking part in the Evergreen environmental stewardship program. We will be participating in a number of Evergreen projects. This month the whole school is off to Downsview Park to plant trees and build a tree nursery.
Bake Sale
The YMCA is in the midst of its Strong Kids Campaign. The Academy is raising money for the campaign through a Bake Sale. Students and Staff have been preparing their treats for May 26th. Please come to the 42 Charles St foyer to BUY a TREAT!
IPRC Meetings
It’s IPRC month. Students and Parents will be on the floor for meetings with our Guidance counselor and staff at the school to fine-tune IEPs.
Easter Arrives
Our staff member Melissa Oleary spent her childhood decorating eggs under her mother’s guidance. Susan Oleary, a renowned Ukrainian style Easter Egg artist joined us at the school and led a workshop for The Academy staff and students on “THE ART ” of pysanky. An amazing experience! Thank you Susan!
On April 8th the grade 10 students will be writing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy test.
Be sure to submit your latest work to teachers before April 9th. This is the schools mark “cut-off” day – the day when teachers must submit marks for mid-term report cards.
Parent Teacher Night
Feel free to join your parents for our scheduled April 21-22 parent teacher night. Be sure to phone Bonita to book a time. Teachers, staff and often students will meet all at once and discuss students strengths and plans for the rest of the semester. We serve cookies!
College bound?
Marks are submitted to colleges on April 23rd.
Course selections for 2010-2011
Course selections will happen during our TAP session on April 29th. Get ready to choose from a number of courses available next year. Graduates for 2011 – be sure to meet with Mitch to assure you have all your required credits for your college program of choice.